Dienstag, 17. November 2015

Update - new theme?

Looong time no see guys ( do you still know who I am?)
Can't believe I once blogged here on a regular basis ~ but yeah that was before twitter, instagram, etc. took over. So here is a little update for you. Remember my last post? How I was so happy about how nice and clean my new room was? Well, now it's a mess. So the mission is clearly. Clean that damn room lazy boy! And stopp spending all your money on food! Like seriously 30 € is a wayyy too much per week.

I really need to change the theme of this blog. It doesn't fit me anymore. But I don't really know which way ... maybe I just do another backround and a new header. You'll see it then.

Maybe I do some little posts like this more often. No those really massive posts that take 2 hours to make (with uploading pictures). Just what happend that day, which song I don't get out of my head, what I'm wearing and stuff like this. 

4 Kommentare:

  1. waaa you are so cute <3

  2. Mikan !!
    werde der, der Du bist und dasselbe gilt fuer diesen Blog.
    Von meiner sibjektiven Meinung sollst Du Dich nicht beeinflussen lassen, jedoch finde ich es hier zu viel Kitsch und Du kannst das besser <3
    In Dir steckt Potenzial inklusive Kreativität.

    Liebste Grüße,
    Deine Yume :>

  3. Hope you will blog soon again <3 missed you!

  4. Yayy, I missed seeing your posts, good to see you back! x
    Minae ♥ MinaekeiLatest Blog Post!
